IELTS Overview: Format and Assessment Criteria - Part 2

Part II in the Unlocking IELTS Success Series on Format and Assessment

Okay, we mastered the format and who accepts the IELTS worldwide in Part I. Now let's dive into how you will be assessed in each section.

The Four Sections - What You Need to Know


How long? 30 minutes + 10 minutes for you to transfer answers. PAY ATTENTION: incorrect spelling will be penalized.

How many questions? There are 40 questions, each worth 1 mark.

How am I assessed? To assess how much of the recording you understand, the questions will usually paraphrase the words in the text.

How many times can I hear the recording? Only once. You will hear a variety of accents: American, Australian, Canadian, UK, and New Zealand.

How many parts and what will I hear? 4 parts with 10 questions, each with a different focus becoming progressively more difficult.

  • Part 1: you will hear a conversation between two people in an everyday context.
  • Part 2: you will hear only 1 person speaking on a general topic, such as a monologue.
  • Part 3: you will hear a conversation between two or three people in an academic context.
  • Part 4: you will hear a monologue in an academic context.

Pro tip: try to do 100% on parts 1-3, then do your best in part 4.


The Academic and General Training exams are different, I will explain what you need for both.

How long? 1 hour -including transferring answers to the answer sheet. Please note this is different from the Listening section.

How many questions? There are 40 questions, each worth 1 mark. Each section becomes more challenging than the one before. While the texts are different, the question types are the same for both exams.

Academic: 3 different long texts, academic in nature but not specialized

General Training: 3 different sections varying in length, more general in nature, and often work-related.

How am I assessed? To assess how much of the reading passages you understand, the questions will usually paraphrase the words in the text. You will be expected to do the following:

  • Identify the writer’s overall purpose.
  • Follow key arguments in a text.
  • Identify opinions and attitudes.
  • Locate specific information.
  • Distinguish main ideas from supporting details.
  • Extract information from a text to complete a diagram, summary, table, or set of notes.

How to answer? Simple enough but overlooked, read the instructions very carefully. The instructions and questions will tell you exactly what information you need to find in the text and the type of answer you need.

Pro tip: Check out my blog “IELTS Reading Section: The 11 Question Types – You Need To Know”.


The Academic and General Training are different, here I will describe what you need to do for both.

How long? 1 hour total

Writing Task 1: 20 minutes to write 150 words.
Writing Task 2: 40 minutes to write 250 words.
WT 2 is worth 2 times as much as WT 1 -but plan your time evenly.

Pro tip: plan for 3 minutes at the end of each task to edit your work.

How am I assessed?

  • Task Achievement (Did you answer the question fully and write 150 words?)
  • Task Response (Did you address all the points and were your ideas relevant to the question, Did you have a balanced argument and support your ideas, Did you write 250 words?
  • Coherence and Cohesion (understandable, well-organized, linked ideas)
  • Lexical Resource (wide range of vocabulary)
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy (wide range and accurately / effectively)

WT 1: You will need to accurately describe and summarize visual information presented in the form of a diagram, map, graph, or table.
WT 2: You will write a discursive essay on a given opinion, problem, or issue.

General Training:
WT 1: You will write a letter in response to a given situation, such as requesting information or explaining a situation.
WT 2: You write a discursive essay on a given opinion, problem, or issue you will need to discuss.

Pro Tip: do not use bullet points, abbreviations, or prepared answers.


How long? You will speak for 11-14 minutes, depending on how well you are communicating with the examiner.

What is the format? There are 3 parts with different speaking styles.

Do not worry about the time – the examiner will stop you.

  • Part 1 (4-5 minutes): questions on familiar, everyday topics
  • Part 2 (3-4 minutes): a monologue on a familiar topic, e.g., “Describe a good friend”. You will be given a booklet and 1 minute to prepare. The bullet points will be suggestions. You do not need to address each one.
  • Part 3 (4 -5 minutes): the examiner will ask you more detailed and abstract questions about the topic in Part 2, e.g., “How important is friendship to you?”

How am I assessed? The marking criteria are as follows with equal weight:

  • Fluency and Coherence: Do you speak in a fluent way that is easy to understand and are your ideas linked clearly?
  • Lexical Resource: Do you accurately and effectively use or attempt a wide range of vocabulary? Can you explain your ideas even if you do not know a particular word?
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy: Do you use a wide range of grammatical structures and are your sentences accurate?
  • Pronunciation: Do you use stress and intonation to add meaning, and do you use stress accurately? Is your spoken language clear and easily understood? (This is NOT about your accent)

Pro tip: Try to relax, you are just having a chat. Take a few deep breaths and smile.

You made it through Part I and Part II! Now armed with a better understanding of the IELTS format and what to expect, you're on the right path to achieving your IELTS goals.

If you'd like to explore further resources and gain valuable tips to enhance your IELTS preparation, check out my guides: Top 25 Tips to Tweak Your IELTS Prep for Success and learn about the 3 Most Common IELTS Problems & Best Strategies to Avoid Them. Or visit the Free Resources page for more.

I hope you feel more empowered with this knowledge and are ready to confidently pursue your dreams. Best of luck on your IELTS journey!

Categories: : Assessment, Exam Format, IELTS

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